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Organising saved queries

You can organise your saved queries by creating a folder structure. This can be especially useful if the number of saved queries in your account has reached an unmanageable level.

To start organising, simply open the Query Builder as usual – Data & Reports → Export.

You will need to start by creating at least one folder. Click on “New Folder”. You will now get to name your new folder as a blank folder appears in the folder list.

Once you are happy with the name, simply click the check symbol to save the folder.

Once you have created all your required folders, you can start organising the existing queries. You will notice that each query has a small checkbox left of the name. This is used to select the query or queries you want to perform an operation on. Once one or more queries have been selected, you will get a few options about what to do with the selection:

Simply select the correct folder from the dropdown, and choose ‘Move’. The moved queries will now appear in the folder, instead of directly in the Saved Queries tab.

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