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Salesforce Connector – Sync Settings

The settings area, inside Engaging Networks, offers configuration options for the push and pull operations.

When contact data comes from Salesforce, if the field value is blank, then clear the field in Engaging Networks

When Contacts are pulled, if a field on the Contact is empty then clear the value in Engaging Networks for the supporter.

A use case that should be taken into consideration are new Contacts, being created in Salesforce, with Engaging Networks already holding data on those supporters.

Working with key stakeholders to have both systems be as close to each other, prior to launch, should reduce these types of errors. Defining user flows between teams will also address how your organization will be working with both systems.

Respect “EN Account ID” on the Contact record

This setting’s primary design is to help clients who are running multiple EN accounts into one Salesforce org.

When Contacts are pulled, the Engaging Networks will only pull Contacts whose engaging__Account_Id__c matches the client Id.

This has no relationship with the Account object or householding and for most integrations, will likely be unchecked.

Sync Contact data to Salesforce

Start the job to push supporters as Contacts into Salesforce every twenty minutes.

Upon enabling this sync method, an internal timestamp is configured to the ‘current’ time. Only supporters who are modified after this time will qualify to be pushed.

If you turn off the sync, this timestamp will be cleared. On re-enabling the timestamp will again follow the logic of using the current time.

A use case here is if you wanted to import a large file of supporters into Engaging Networks and not want that data to cause a large job update to Salesforce. You could turn off the sync, import and once the import has completed – re-enable the sync.

Matching Rules (Fuzzy Matching)Matching Rules

Engaging Networks utilizes Salesforce’s Bulk API to upsert supporters as Contacts. If Matching Rules is enabled, when Engaging Network’s receives Duplicate errors returned on the batch being imported – a secandary job will run to try find suitable Contacts based on th e  following rules:

Fuzzy match on First Name

Exact match on Email Address

Fuzzy match on Last Name

If a suitable match is found, the Id will be copied to the Contact Id and the supporter record eligible for re-push in.

Matching Rules (Leverage Salesforce)

Engaging Networks utilizes Salesforce’s Bulk API to upsert supporters as Contacts. If Matching Rules is enabled, when Engaging Network’s receives Duplicate errors returned on the batch being imported – a secondary job will run to try to find suitable Contacts based on the following rules.

When the ‘Leverage Salesforce’ setting is enabled, Engaging Networks utilizes Salesforce’s native Matching and Deduplication functionality to identify the correct Contact. 

Engaging Networks initiates an API request to Salesforce, based on the Contact mapping field settings. Salesforce then responds with an API response based on the Matching and Deduplication rules configured in the respective Salesforce account. If an Email Address is matched, the supporter and contact are linked together using the top options determined by Salesforce priority score.

It’s important for the Salesforce administrator to configure the necessary rules for this functionality to operate accurately. Please refer to the ‘Duplicate Management’ section for guidance on how best to configure the rules within Salesforcethe next Contact push.

Batch Size

Define how many rows of data will be pushed in each batch, as Contacts. It is recommended to have as high a batch size as possible, to help reduce queues when high volume contact updates are being made.

If the Batch Size is small and a large update is made across supporters, it may lead to Salesforce API limits being hit.

Sync Contact data from Salesforce

Start the job to pull Contacts from Salesforce every twenty minutes. By default all modified Contacts will be pulled.

Results of these jobs do not appear in the Connector logs but rather show as CRM Data Import jobs in the Job Monitor.

‘Exclude’ filter

There is an optional ‘Exclude’ filter, if there is a requirement to not have Engaging Networks pull all Contacts.

Sync Transaction data to Salesforce

Enable the daily transaction sync to push supporter actions to Engaging Networks Staging Records.

Reflect merges done in Salesforce​​

Engaging Networks will enable a job to review the ‘merge audit’ logs produced by Salesforce, when contacts are manually merged within Salesforce.

This 'merge mirror' job operates concurrently with the Contact 'pull' and 'push' jobs but does not immediately synchronize changes made in Salesforce.

It's important to note that only contacts with a value present in the 'EN_Supporter_Id__c' field, upon being merged, are logged in the audit trail and at present, the merging of two contact records is only supported.

Here is an example of how this functionality works:

Supporter A is linked with Contact A

Supporter B is linked with Contact B

Both supporters exist in Engaging Networks and the Contact Ids are correct in both systems.

With the setting enabled, after Contact B is merged into Contact A in Salesforce - a job checks for merges made since the last check and then will merge Supporter B with Supporter A.

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