Double the Donation 360MatchPro Integration
You’ll need a 360MatchPro account to activate the matching gift functionality within Engaging Networks. Not a 360MatchPro client? Contact the Double the Donation team here to learn more.
What is the Double the Donation 360MatchPro Integration?
The 360MatchPro integration allows organizations to easily facilitate corporate matching gifts from individual supporters. The tool simplifies the process for supporters to identify if their gift is match eligible and how to complete the process to have their gift matched.
Take a look at the Double the Donation brief overview video for setup instructions, with more details noted below. Up Instructions
Log in to your Engaging Networks Account and navigate to Account Settings.
Select Extensions in the left-hand menu and click on the 360MatchPro logo listed under page-level integrations.

Please note permission requirements to access and manage integrations in your Extensions Manager.
3. Enter your public and private API keys from your 360MatchPro account, then click “Enable”. Your accounts are now linked!

Note: Under Account Settings -> Account Preferences, please ensure you have marked to Expose Transaction Details. This is required to pass the necessary details to populate on the confirmation widget.

4. Navigate to the specific donation form(s) on which you would like to add the 360MatchPro widget. The integration will need to be added individually (or you may duplicate pages as desired to carry over the integration).
In the right-hand menu of the page editor, under Extensions, you will see two draggable widgets, called “360MatchPro Search” and “360MatchPro Confirmation.”
The 360MatchPro Search widget can appear on any donation page BEFORE the confirmation page.
The 360MatchPro Confirmation widget can ONLY appear on the confirmation page.
BOTH widgets must be placed on their respective pages to operate.
5. You may edit the text that introduces the widget as desired by clicking “Edit” once it has been dragged and dropped in the desired page placement. Be sure to save any changes.
Donors who indicate their company name when submitting their gift will see the ‘Confirmation’ widget as displaying the specific company matching gift details if available. For example:
Donors who do not indicate their company name will see the ‘Confirmation’ widget as a searchable tool to see if their gift may be match eligible: