You can use different “Campaign Types” in ‘Peer-to-Peer’ to take full advantage of the DIY fundraising model. In ‘Peer-to-Peer’ multiple campaigns can be setup for each site which allows your supporter to choose the type of fundraising site they would like to setup.
The example above shows three possible DIY fundraising pages the supporter can choose from. This was achieved by creating three campaigns under one hub ‘Peer-to-Peer’ site.
Creating a campaign
When you first create your ‘Peer-to-Peer’ site there will be a default campaign already setup for you. To add a new campaign, click the new campaign button.
Give your campaign a name and click the “create campaign” button.
Editing a campaign
Once the campaign has been created you can then go in and customize it to meet your needs. If your campaign is new, you will automatically be taken into the editing screen.
If you are returning to make updates to your campaign simply click on the edit icon in the campaign type list. You can also duplicate and delete campaigns from here.
The following campaign properties are available at the top of the page.
By default this will be set to “active” but can also be disabled should you no longer want to offer this campaign type under your site. You can also set if this should be the default campaign type for your site here.
Campaign Name
This is set when you first create the page but can be updated. This is also the default name used for each fundraisers page created using this campaign.
Thumbnail Image
This image will be displayed on the “start a new campaign” page within your ‘Peer-to-Peer’ site.
Goal Setting
Within each ‘Peer-to-Peer’ campaign you have the ability to define properties associated to the fundraising goals. You can allow supporters to set their own goals or disable this option and set it for them. You can also set a minimum donation amount here.
Organizational Information
On each campaign you can include a section to provide information about your organization or more details about the campaign.
To add this to your pages add the header text and then use the WYSIWYG editor to add your description or mission statement.
You can also insert dynamic content into the page by clicking . The following variables can be inserted.
Site Name
The name you provided when creating your ‘Peer-to-Peer’site
Site Description
The SEO Description from the Properties menu
Relative URL
The unique part of the URL after the subdomain. For example: /123/save-the-earth
Absolute URL
The full URL of your ‘Peer-to-Peer’site
Page Name
The name of the fundraiser’s campaign
The text description of the page
Page URL
The URL to the fundraiser’s campaign
The goal fundraising amount
The amount of money raised to date
% to Goal
The percentage of the goal met to date
Image URL
The URL of the campaign image
First Name
The first name of the fundraiser
Last Name
The last name of the fundraiser
Image URL
The image the fundraiser set on their campaign page
Fundraiser Alias
The fundraisers public alias.
Leaving these fields blank will disable the organizational information on the page.
Page Customization Options
On each campaign you can include a section to allow your supporters to add a custom message on their fundraising page or you can set a default message.
When you first create the campaign a default page heading will added, “Why I am Participating in this Campaign”. This can be changed to suit your needs or left as is.
Select if you would like to allow our supporters to customize the page or not by setting the “Allow fundraiser to personalize their page text” option to “yes” or “no”.
Use the WYSIWYG editor to add the default “personal page text” or leave it blank for your supporters to fill out.
You can also insert dynamic content into the page by clicking . The following variables can be inserted.
Images & Videos
Within ‘Peer-to-Peer’ you can choose whether or not to allow supporters to upload their own images and videos to their pages.
Each will be loaded into a unique library only the supporter can see.
Fundraising Tools
Each campaign page has two emails that can be used to help your supporters drive traffic to their pages. A sharing email to drive traffic towards their page and a thank you email for when a donation is made.Add the subject for your emails and then use the WYSIWYG editor to add the content.
You can also insert dynamic content into the emails by clicking . The following variables can be inserted.Once all customizations are complete click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
Site Name
The name you provided when creating your ‘Peer-to-Peer’site
Site Description
The SEO Description from the Properties menu
Relative URL
The unique part of the URL after the subdomain. For example: /123/save-the-earth
Absolute URL
The full URL of your ‘Peer-to-Peer’site
Page Name
The name of the fundraiser’s campaign
The text description of the page
Page URL
The URL to the fundraiser’s campaign
The goal fundraising amount
The amount of money raised to date
% to Goal
The percentage of the goal met to date
Image URL
The URL of the campaign image
First Name
The first name of the fundraiser
Last Name
The last name of the fundraiser
Image URL
The image the fundraiser set on their campaign page
Fundraiser Alias
The fundraisers public alias.
Site Name
The name you provided when creating your ‘Peer-to-Peer’site
Site Description
The SEO Description from the Properties menu
Relative URL
The unique part of the URL after the subdomain. For example: /123/save-the-earth
Absolute URL
The full URL of your ‘Peer-to-Peer’site
Page Name
The name of the fundraiser’s campaign
The text description of the page
Page URL
The URL to the fundraiser’s campaign
The goal fundraising amount
The amount of money raised to date
% to Goal
The percentage of the goal met to date
Image URL
The URL of the campaign image
First Name
The first name of the fundraiser
Last Name
The last name of the fundraiser
Image URL
The image the fundraiser set on their campaign page
Fundraiser Alias
The fundraisers public alias.
First Name
The donors first name
Last Name
The donors last name
Donation Amount
The amount given
Donation Date
The date the donation was made.
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