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Receipt Data Tags

Page-builder allows you to insert dynamic tags into Text Blocks, autoresponder thank you emails, and receipts and will pull in relevant value from that page. Note that some field tags will differ across client accounts based on the field name in the account data structure. The tags below are the same in all accounts. See this article for additional tags.

What tags are available?


Value Inserted


Thank you



Receipt number


Order ID


Campaign ID


Supporter/   Campaigner ID


Supporter ID


Transaction ID


Transaction   Status




Tax Deductible




Pledge Amount


Donation date


Issue date




Referer ID





Direct Gift


Payment type




Last 4 CC




Recurring Day


Recurring   Status


Recurring   Start Date


In memoriam


Tribute   Options


Gift Reason


Honoree Name


Inform Name


Inform email


Inform Address   1


Inform Address   2


Inform City


Inform City


Inform Country


Inform Region


Account number


Other 1


Other 2


Other 3


Other 4


Current Year – dynamic year tag


Cover fee 




Donation total (fee+amount)




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