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Symbolic Giving – navigation block

Symbolic Giving sites can have a menu for your supporters to navigate the site. The different menu items are managed via the Symbolic Giving admin settings (under the Navigation tab) or by editing the navigation block in page-builder.

When you first create a new Symbolic Giving site, the navigation block is added to all sections, except for Billing Information and Shipping & Payment.

Editing the navigation menu

When you edit the menu, you are shown a list of the items you have in the menu:

Editing individual items

When you edit an individual menu item, you are presented with three options:

  • Label – this is the label of the item that the supporter will see and click on
  • Type – this is either External URL or Symbolic Giving Page. If you choose “Symbolic Giving”, then you can link the item to a section within your Symbolic Giving site. You are given options in the dropdown below for how you want the menu to operate. For External URLs, this means the menu will link to a URL outside of the Symbolic Giving site, for example a donation page or your website. You are given an option below the Type dropdown to input your URL.

    If you are passing values over the URL such as Appeal Code, you should choose an External URL and append a chain URL parameter. That will allow the values to be retained as supporters navigate to different pages on the Symbolic Giving site. Example:

  • Page – If you choose “Symbolic Giving” for the Type, then you have a choice of :
    • Home – displays the Home Page section, set via the page-builder
    • Category list – displays Products filtered by a Category (and optionally a Tag)
    • Product – displays a single Product
    • Cart – displays the Cart section of your Ecommerce site

Moving menu items

You can use the crosshair icons to move the menu items into a different order. By dragging them to the right, you can make the menu a submenu of the item above, which means it will only appear when the supporter goes to the parent item.

Menu settings

This tab allows you to position the menu. By default it will appear as a “Sticky horizontal menu” which is a fixed “hovering” block at the top of your site. Otherwise you can choose unstyled if you want more control over its appearence using stylesheets.

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