Email Settings

Before you begin sending out email campaigns through the Engaging Networks software, there are a couple of email-specific settings you can configure as needed. You can access these by going to Marketing Tools > Setup.
Google Analytics
If you would like to integrate Google Analytics within your email campaigns you will need to enable it in this area by ticking the box next to “Enable Google Analytics Integration”.
This will append “utm” parameters to the links that your supporters click, loading the page so that Google Analytics can use these in its reporting.
Go to Marketing Tools > Google Analytics
Enable Google Analytics Integration by ticking the box
Set the Mediums – this is the marketing medium you are using to deliver this content (Email Newsletter, Emergency Appeal, etc.). This will add a utm_source attribute to the email. This will add a utm_medium attribute to the email using this value
Set the Source – this identifies where the traffic is coming from (EngagingNetworks, ENEmail, etc.). This will add a utm_source attribute to the email using this value
Set your domains – these will be your domains for pages that you want to enable this on. For example your Base URLs in Engaging Networks, plus any sites you might want to track (e.g. your homepage). Only domains set here will have the tracking added. Each domain needs to be on its line.
Click ‘Save’ to store these settings.
Once you’ve enabled the Google Analytics integration, you’ll be able to use the utm_campaign attribute in email classic or marketing tools broadcasts and you can update this for each email you send.
Email Classic:
Marketing Tools - Broadcasts:

An example URL might be:
In this example, the utm_medium is “email” (taken from these settings), utm_source is “engagingnetworks” (also taken from these settings), utm_campaign is “ABC123” (set in the email itself), and utm_content is taken from the name of the broadcast.
utm_content will be generated from the name of your email message which is set when creating email campaigns. utm_campaign is also set when creating email campaigns using the “Google Analytics” field. This is required for every email message if Google Analytics integration has been enabled.
Split Tests
When sending split test email campaigns we allow you to pick the winner by going to the reporting for that email campaign and deciding which email performed better for your criteria. If you would like us to automatically choose a winner, you can enable that here by ticking the box pictured below.

It is recommended that this setting is left either ‘on’ or ‘off’. If you turn this setting on, it will take effect for any split test where the winning email hasn’t been sent in the last 7 days.
Win Criteria
Once this is enabled, you will need to choose a metric for the software to select the winner from and time to delay before the winning email is chosen.

Criteria | Definition |
Open rate | The email with the highest percentage of opens will be the winner. |
Click-through rate | The email the highest percentage of clicks will be the winner. |
Page conversions | The email with the highest percentage of page conversions will be the winner. A “page conversion” is when a supporter clicks on a link to an Engaging Networks form in an email and goes on to complete the action. |
Delay in hours
Once the metric is set that you would like to base the winner on, you will need to set the amount of time to wait before the winner is determined.
By default, this is set to 24 hours but can be adjusted to suit your needs. We recommend setting this value to 2 or more hours.
Click ‘Save’ to store these settings:
The sending time is calculated by adding the delay to the top of the hour of the sending time. For example, a send at 9:05 with a 2-hour wait will be sent at 12.
If you toggle this setting on, the software goes back up to 7 days to find any split tests that don’t have a winner identified yet and if the criteria is met, it will select a winner.
Domain Authentication
The domain authentication tools allow you to verify that your SPF records (mandatory) and custom DKIM (optional) are set up properly for your sending domains. You will see a list of the sender domains you have set up and you can then click ‘validate’ to check that you have configured everything properly.
The SPF validation will only check that you have the appropriate SPF for Engaging Networks in place. It will not validate the overall health of your SPF set-up.
Seed Lists
Seeds lists are groups of email recipients who can be added to your Engaging Networks account and subsequently sent emails. The recipients in seed lists will not be added as supporters in the account and do not need to meet the email audience criteria to be sent the email. For more information, click here.