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Marketing Automation Recurring Transaction Activity

The Recurring Transaction Activity marketing automation allows you to target supporters based on their recurring donation activity.  You can target supporters who have recurring gifts that have successfully processed, unsuccessfully processed, or will soon process. The automation can be used to thank donors after their gifts have successfully processed, request that supporters update their details if their gifts have unsuccessfully processed, or simply notify them that their transaction will soon be processed.

Recurring Transaction Activity

Because the recurring transaction activity automation is the engagement type, supporters can qualify more than once for the automation, can be in this automation and others at the same time, and supporters active in the automation will continue to get broadcast emails.

Choosing your audience

The Recurring Transaction Activity automation allows to you send a series of messages, so start by clearly naming the automation in Settings before selecting which supporters you would like to target.The marketing automation has three options for targeting supporters based on their recurring gift activity:

  • Supporters after a gift was successfully processed

  • Supporters after a gift was unsuccessfully processed

  • Supporter gift will be processed soon

Also, as with all marketing automations, you will need to select an Opt-in question under ‘Who belong to the following subscription lists’. If you want, you can also be more specific by adding filters (Filter the list based on these criteria:), for example to narrow the affected supporters down to donors who entered through particular pages, or who are from a particular country, etc.

If the automation is targeting supporter gift to be processed soon, there are additional filters available based on payment type and gift frequency as well as the number of days before process the automation should start.

Note that when building the email messages the facilities to insert details into the message is limited, as there is no access to transactional donation data available for use – so keep the message generic and to the point. However, you can provide links a Supporter Hub page where the supporter may manage their recurring donation themselves.

For more information on how to choose entry criteria for your automations, and how to use the filters, please see this article which covers this in more detail.

Card Expiry

This type of automation can provide a notice to a supporter that the card being used for a recurring donation will soon expiry. It can be used to notify a supporter and allow them to update their expiration or set up a new donation with you on a different card. Again, linking to a Supporter Hub page in this case can be a good idea. 

Choosing your audience

By default the Card Expiry automation will target supporters with a card expiring. Then you can denote the number of days before expiration that a supporter will be added. Note that an expiration of 01/2024 is seen as 01/01/2024 so you can expect supporters to be added to the automations 30 days before that date.

As with all marketing automations, you will need to select an Opt-in question under ‘Who belong to the following subscription lists’. Optionally you can also be more specific by adding filters (Filter the list based on these criteria:), for example to narrow the affected supporters down to donors who entered through particular pages, or who are from a particular country, etc.

When are supporters removed from the automation?

The card expiry automation has an objective of  ‘card updated’. Once the expired card has been updated with a new expiry, the supporter will exit the automation.

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