Supporter Hub: Personal Details Gadget
Adding a Personal Details Gadget to your Hub
Once you have set up your hub you can add gadgets to the main hub page. Click here to view the tutorial on creating your hub.
In this tutorial we’ll be looking at the Personal Details gadget.

The Personal Details gadget allows your supporters to update information in their supporter record on a self-service basis through the hub.
Once you’ve set up your supporter hub, add a personal details gadget to your main hub page by dragging it into your page-builder page.

Setting up the Personal Details Gadget
There are two tabs to set up in the Personal Details gadget. The first is ‘On Page’ and is where you can set the label and icon elements to represent your gadget.
Label: This field contains the text shown under the gadget graphic.
Icon: You can use a custom graphic to represent your Personal Details gadget. Enter the URL of your image here. (Note for optimized page speed we recommend a small JPG or PNG file)

The second tab on the personal detais gadget is ‘Content’ and this is where you set up the details you want your supporter to be able to update.

Header Text: This is the content shown to the supporter to guide them on the actions they can take in the widget. You can add images and text into this area.
Save Button Text: You can customize the Save Button text with this field
Close Button Text: You can customize the Close Button text with this field
Success Text: When the supporter has successfully updated their details you can customize the text shown here
Failure Text: When the supporter’s information cannot be updated you can customize the text shown here
You can see a preview of the gadget in the right hand pane as you edit these fields.
Managing form fields
You can choose which of the data fields the supporter can update themselves via the Manage form fields area.

You can add a mix of supporter record fields, custom questions and opt in fields into the personal details gadget.

The supporter is then given access to update these fields for their record in the Personal Details Gadget. Here’s how it might look to the supporter once they’ve logged in to your hub.

Users can update their email address in the Hub. If they update their email address, it will create an HSU transaction with the updated email address and the original supporter ID.
Success & failure messaging
After a supporter clicks update they’ll be presented with a message. If their record was updated successfully they’ll be shown the contents of the ‘Success Text’ box, if for any reason we could not update the record the supporter will be shown the contents of the ‘Failure Text’ box.
You can update the messaging shown for success and failure in this section.