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Release Notes August 2023

This release is scheduled to deploy on August 4th, 2023 at 3pm ET / 8pm BST. This release is focused on further backend work related to our upcoming peer-to-peer tools and allows us to phase internal testing of the tools in the production environment.



Opt-in with confirmation questions are now available to use in the Supporter Hub. However, since supporters are already logged into the Hub, when they update their Opt-in status inside their Hub account, confirmation is not required and a confirmation email will not be triggered.

Page Builder

New attributes ‘name’ and ‘id’ have been added to the ‘form’ element on page builder pages to aid in event analytics.

The additional parameter ‘TransactionId’ has been added to the fundraising confirmation page pageJson. To learn more about this feature, click here. 


Marketing Tools – test emails

Link domains used in the broadcast test process differed from the ones used in live emails. This has been resolved.

Email Classic  – email content

Under certain conditions, an extraneous iframe was inserted at the bottom of email content. This has now been removed.

Donation processing

Stripe gateway only: There was an issue with the donation amount being displayed on donation pages after entering an invalid card when using Upsell lightbox. This has been resolved.

When using digital wallets on donation pages processing JPY and CNY currencies, an additional zero was added to the donation amount. This has been resolved.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.