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Adding a roll call to an Engaging Networks or external page

If you would like to return a Roll Call of participants of an Advocacy action, you can use the following HTML code.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="" ></script>
    var dataUrl = ''; 
    var count = 10;
<div id="rollCall" >&nbsp;</div>

Place this on your page where you would like the RollCall to appear.

You’ll need to replace:

var dataUrl = ‘ with or depending on your server location.

xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx with your own public token

yyyyyy with your campaign ID.

Campaign ID is not the same as Page ID. You can find it by right clicking on the page > select Inspect > scroll to the bottom of the page > Look under </html> tag for content inside <!– Page NAME -0423-c3:51461:115614:10053 –>

The rows will appear in the div with the id “rollCall”.

You can control how many rows are returned by changing this section:

var count = 10;

Change 10 to the number of rows you would like to return.

You can also change what data is returned:

  • dataSet=1 will return first name and country
  • dataSet=2 will return first name and town

Please note: the roll call this code returns is not styled, so some CSS will be required.

If you are placing this on an Engaging Networks page, or in fact any page where jQuery is already loaded, then this line is not required:

<script src="//" ></script>
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.