Finance Reports
You can quickly generate your fundraising reports without having to go through the query builder. This can be useful if you are more interested in an overview, rather than particular pages.
Go to Data & Reports > Finance Reports. These types of reports will focus on a particular time period, and will be run as a job. Once the report has been completed the job will be available to download from the Job Monitor.
To start, choose the time period you would like to generate the report for:
Before you generate your report, you may also wish to select the type of transaction you are interested in, as well as which transaction status that is most relevant for your purpose. You may also select to include additional supporter details via Export Group.
Test donations, made via a test gateway, are also exported when using Finance Reports. These will have the payment type prefixed with Test:, for example Test: Visa.
Transaction type
Credit card single transactions
Credit card recurring transactions
Bank payments single transactions
Bank payments recurring transactions
Peer to peer transactions
Event transactions
Select transaction status
Successful transactions including refunds
Successful transactions excluding refunds
Changed transactions
Failed transactions
Refunded transactions
Once your selection has been made, simply click
Before the software starts generating the report, you will be given the opportunity to confirm the criteria you have selected:
If you spot any errors, simply click ‘Cancel’ to return to the selection screen. Otherwise ‘Confirm’.
If everything goes well, you should see a notification stating that:
“The submitted transaction reports is being processed. Please check the Jobs Monitor for status.” The job will appear in Job Monitor as a ‘Netdonor transactions job’. Once the job has completed, you will be able to download the file by clicking on the download icon