Lookup Supporter Gadgets – Household Activities
The “Household Activities” gadget shows a summary of activity for supporters in the household. (Read more about householding here)
Gadget categories
There are three categories displayed in the household activities gadget.
Gifts to Date
Displays the grand total of all donations made by the supporter to date.
- Summary – count of total gifts to date
- Detail – shows a count of total single and recurring gifts to date, including the total of the donations made for each. The grand total of all single and recurring gifts is also included.
- Grouped by currency type.
Email Activity
Displays the number of unique clicks recorded for the supporter.
- Summary – total number of clicks
- Detail – total number of clicks; date of the latest click; the number of converted clicks and the supporters’ email engagement score.

Advocacy activity
Displays the most recent advocacy actions for the household with the date it was taken.