Setting up multiple gateways on a single page
There are some situations when you might want to link a single donation page to more than one merchant account or gateway.
For example, you may have separate merchant accounts set up for different currencies, but want to collect donations in different currencies through the same page. Or, you might want to collect both credit card and PayPal payments through a single page, but want to have credit card payments go to your normal credit card gateway rather than your PayPal account.
The software is able to cover two basic scenarios:
You can set up a donation page to submit donations to two or more gateways of the same type, based on specified form field selections (e.g. divert donations to different WorldPay Merchant IDs depending on the currency selected by the donor).
You can set up a donation page that submits to a standard credit card gateway by default, but will instead submit to a PayPal merchant account if the donor selects PayPal as their payment method.
For general set up of donation pages, please see the help document detailing the process for your specific gateway type.
Linking a donation page to multiple gateways of the same type
You can select an alternate gateway based on what the donor enters for either Payment type, Currency, or a value submitted in Other1 field. Follow the steps below:
Make sure that all the gateways you want to link to are set up under Hello >Account Settings > Gateways, as explained in the help document for your gateway type.
Create your donation page as normal, linking it to the gateway you want to have as the default. Make sure that you include on the page the form field(s) on which you want to differentiate donations (Payment type, Currency, or Other1).
From Pages > Manage Pages click the ‘Settings’ cog icon next to the name of your page to open up the settings page. Click Donation Settings on the left to view the gateway dropdown. The primary gateway can be configured there.
After the primary gateway has been selected, you should see a link I would like to add another merchant account or add support for digital wallets. After clicking this link, a new dropdown list will appear from which you can select an alternate gateway of the same type (or a PayPal gateway – see the next section for details). If there are no other selectable gateways in the account, the dropdown will not be available.
Once you have selected a secondary gateway, further fields will appear allowing you to specify the criteria for directing donations to the alternate gateway. You can add multiple field values delimited by tilde: ~ . In the example below, if the supporter selects CAD as their currency, the Live IATS Gateway will be used.
Make sure you click submit at the bottom of the page to save your changes. If you later find you have made a mistake, you can delete a row by clicking the ‘minus’ icon on the right hand side.
The page is now set up to accept payments to different gateways of the same type, depending on what the donor entered in the form. The software will check each condition in page order. If none of the special conditions are found to apply, the donation will be submitted to the primary gateway.
Adding a PayPal option to a donation page linked to a credit card gateway
You can set your donation page to redirect the payment to PayPal if the donor selects PayPal as their payment method. Follow the steps below:
Make sure that the credit card gateway you want to link to is set up under Hello > Account Settings > Gateways, as explained in the help document for your gateway type. If you have not already done so, you will also need to set up the PayPal gateway.
Create your donation page as normal, linking it to the gateway you want to have as the default.
Add Paypal as a secondary gateway
Use form dependencies to dynamically show/hide any fields that are mandatory for certain payment types but that are not required for PayPal. For example, hide card number, expiry date, card holder name and CVV fields if payment type is equal to Paypal.
Any supporter selecting ‘PayPal’ as the payment option for this donation page will now be redirected to a PayPal payment page when they submit the page, where they can log into their own PayPal account and make their donation. Once the transaction is complete, the supporter will be redirected back to the Engaging Networks thank you page.
Note that you can combine these two methods – so, for example, you could set up a single donation page that directs payments to different WorldPay merchant accounts depending on the currency selected, but that redirects to PayPal if the supporter selects PayPal as the payment method.
Adding Vantiv ACH as a secondary gateway
You can add Vantiv gateway to process ACH transactions as a secondary gateway. This can only be used in combination with Payflow to process credit card transactions on the same donation page.
Go to Hello > Account Settings > Gateways and add a new payment gateway.
Choose Vantiv ACH from the gateway options, and enter your Vantiv account details.

Now go to your donation page and go to your Donation Settings screen.
Click on I would like to add another merchant account or add support for digital wallets, and select Vantiv Bank followed by Vantiv ACH.

Through the Payment Type field in your donation page, you can show/hide the bank routing and account number.