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Shipping block

For Premium donations, you should include a Shipping Block that allows the donor to ship the gift incentive to another name and address.


Before using this block, you need to have the tagged shipping fields in your Account data structure. They are:

Shipping TitleThe title the shipping should be sent to
Shipping First NameThe first name the shipping should be sent to
Shipping Last NameThe last name the shipping should be sent to
Shipping Email AddressThe email address of the shipping
Shipping Address 1The first line of the shipping address
Shipping Address 2The second line of the shipping address
Shipping CityThe town/city of the shipping address
Shipping RegionThe region of the shipping address
Shipping PostcodeThe postcode of the shipping address
Shipping CountryThe country of the shipping address
Shipping NotesAny notes on the shipping
Shipping EnabledWhether the shipping address is different to the donor address (Y will display the block)

Adding the block to your pages

To add the block to your Premium donation page, while editing the page go to on the right-hand toolbar and under Shipping, drag in the “Shipping block”.

The block is amended just like a Form block. You should include the Shipping Enabled field as a checkbox, with a value of Y. When this checkbox is ticked, the rest of the fields will be displayed.

Please note: The Shipping fields are designed to work with the Premium Donation page type and should not be added to other page types. Premium page transactions will generate a PTM transaction type with the respective Shipping details included in your transactions export.

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