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Symbolic Giving – product block

The “Product” block is only available for Symbolic Giving pages in the Product View section in page-builder. The block is already added when you first set up your site, but if it is accidentally removed you can add it again by going to the right-hand toolbar then to Symbolic Giving > Product block.

It is used to display information on a selected product, with text and an image taken from the information added to the product via Components > Product Management. The supporter can add the product from the cart using a quantity +/- selector and confirmation button.

Editing the block in page-builder

When editing the block, you are presented with a few options to customize it:

  • You can change the label on the button used to add the product to the cart via the “Add product” label field
  • You can add Twitter, Facebook and Google+ buttons to the product if required. The buttons will either auto-generate a tweet of the format “Product title URL”, or otherwise post the URL of the product page to Facebook or Google+

Example of what this block might look like

The product page might look like this when the supporter reaches it. This includes the related products block as well for reference:

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