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Engaging Networks tips, tricks & hidden gems

Here are some tips and hidden gems that will help you make the most of Engaging Networks. If you want to learn more using our online training course, register for the Academy. Any other questions, contact support!

Also, check out our archive of Tips and Tricks articles over on our main website.


Chain your pages together

Did you know you can link your pages together, so that supporters don’t have to keep typing in their information? For example, instead of a thank you page, why not thank them and ask them for a small donation, or to take a further action? With just a few extra details and a click, you can make the most of your supporters’ attention. More here

Split Test your pages

Unsure what image will work best? Want to find out what color of submit button will get more clicks? Use a split test page and find out.

Email campaigns

Pre-populate your pages!

You can substantially increase response rates to your campaign or appeal if you make sure a supporter’s data is pre-filled in the form from an email. Use the ‘insert campaign link’ button in the email editor. More here.

Work to improve email deliverability

Don’t just email all your opted-in supporters in one go – it’s better to target active groups and sunset inactive groups. Read more here or contact support

Create a reactivation campaign

Increase supporter and donor retention rates by triggering an email using email engagement scores to go out if a supporter hasn’t interacted with you for a length of time

What to do with hard bouncing email addresses

There is no set rule on this, but if the email address is suppressed, then this email address is definitely not working. Whether you want to delete your record depends on whether you want to keep any transactional data (such as opt-ins, donations etc) against that record.

What kind of transactions are made for email campaigns?

If a supporter opens, clicks, or otherwise interacts with the campaign email you send them, the system will create a transaction (of type EBC) with each interaction listed under a campaign data column. Note that if they do not interact with the email, no transaction is stored although you can export these as users for up to 6 months from the send date.

Advocacy pages

How to redirect and filter for different UK regions

You might want only people in Wales to take part in your action, but how? Read on…

Donation pages

What's the best way to manage gift aid / tax deductible data?

You can use a tagged field for this, so that every transaction has the Gift Aid status marked against it. Click here for more.

Social sharing

Getting your Facebook shares to show the right content

Facebook holds a “cache” of the share details for every page. This means that when you first share a page, Facebook saves the text, title and image. Subsequent users then see those. It saves Facebook having to fetch the details every single time someone shares. However, this means that facebook doesn’t reflect any changes you make to the settings once it’s cached it. But you can force it to refresh the details it has stored- more here.

How to use Twitter cards

Want to have your links display a “card” when posted in Twitter? These display an image and description so make your links stand out much better. But how do you do it?.

Exporting data

Getting the most of the query builder

The query builder is a powerful tool to select and filter for different supporters. It is used to export and select supporters for email lists. Click here for a series of useful tips

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