Lookup Supporter Gadgets – E-cards
The “E-cards” gadget in Lookup supporters displays all E-cards sent by the supporter. You can customize how many transactions are displayed at once.

- Colour – Ecard transactions are blue
- Type – the three-letter code denotes the type of transaction (ECF for e-cards)
- Name – the name of the E-card page
- Date – when the transaction occurred
Getting more details
If you click on any of the items, it will slide open to reveal more information about that E-card.
- Time – the time the e-card was sent
- Campaign ID – this is the campaign ID of the e-card page. Note that this is not the same to the page-builder ID that can be seen in the URL
- Friend Email – the email address of the person who received the E-card
- Friend Name – the name of the person who received the E-card
By default this gadget loads with a default name, every transaction type displayed and only ten transactions are loaded at a time.
To change the number of transactions loaded at a time click on the settings icon .
- You can choose to load 5, 10, 20, 30, and 50 transactions per page
- Click “Save” once you are complete customizing the gadget to apply your changes.