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Account preferences – Allowed Domains

Under Hello > Account Settings > Account Preferences, there is an option to set Allowed Domains. This feature allows you to determine which subdomains that are already configured to work with Engaging Networks can be used to load your pages.


Subdomains should be added on separate rows (press enter between each) and should not include https://. After adding the subdomains save the settings page and confirm that your pages load as expected using the subdomains listed.

If you attempt to load pages using a subdomain not listed in Allowed Domains, it will display ‘not found’

Troubleshooting and tips

  • Allowed Domains need to be set after a subdomain is configured with an SSL certificate

  • Subdomains need to be added individually. Listing a domain will not set subdomains beneath it to be allowed. For example, would not allow to load pages

  • Do not include subdomains for Peer to Peer 2 sites

  • Do not include any Engaging Networks historical default domains such as, or

  • Do not include any domains or subdomains you use outside of Engaging Networks

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