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Manage Questions

Questions can be used to collect additional information about a supporter. This could be related to their campaign interests or any other relevant data you require.

For example:

  • You could include a text area so that supporters can share their comments or personal stories related to the issue you are campaigning about. For email-to-target campaigns you can insert this into the message to the targets

  • You could find out how supporters learned about your campaigns. For example, you can add a “How did you hear about this campaign?” dropdown to the page

  • You could use a series of them for survey questions

You might have a generic set of questions created in your account and reuse them across a number of advocacy or fundraising pages, but you can also add campaign-specific questions whenever appropriate. Questions have a 2000 character limit.

If you want to use an opt-in checkbox or radio question to sign-up supporters to receive updates on your advocacy or fundraising campaigns, you should use a special opt-in question instead of a standard question.

More about managing opt-ins here.

You MUST not store sensitive information such as card numbers in Questions or untagged fields.

Creating a new question

To create a new question to use on your Page Builder pages, you must be editing an existing page.

Add a form block component to the page. When the form block editor opens, click on the “questions” tab.

Click the “Manage Questions” button.

When the management screen opens, you will see any existing questions and the “New Question” button.

Click the “New Questions” button to create a new question.

Follow the instructions below to setup your question.




This is an internal name and how you will identify your question in your layout.



This is the actual question you want to ask your supporters. If you click “Enable rich text editor”, you will be able to add extra formatting to your label, for example bold, or links. See below for more information.

Field Type

You need to determine the type of field you would like to create: text field, text area, radio, select, checkbox. split select, triple select, radio with input or select with input.

Default Content

Once you set your field type you then need to set the default values to be used for the question.


Depending on the input type, a button will appear to edit the default values for use with the field.


The types included are: select, radio, checkbox, split select, triple select, radio with input or select with input.


You can make the field mandatory. If a supporter does not complete the field when submitting the page, a “mandatory field” notification will be presented on the campaign page.


Select the locale to create the question in a different language.


NOTE: Multiple locales must be enabled to use this option.


Click “Save” to save your question.

To edit an existing question, click on the “edit” icon.

To delete an existing question, click on the “delete icon.

Enabling the rich text editor

When you are editing or creating a question (via a Form block > ‘Questions’ tab > ‘Manage Questions’ > click on the pencil icon), you can enable the rich text editor for a question’s Label.

You can enable this by clicking Enable rich text editor (note: this button will change to Disable rich text editor once you have clicked on it, as shown in the image above)

You will also get a message that pops up before you enable the editor, stating that it’s likely you’ll need to update the styles in your HTML template if you are going to add formatting to your question text. It also suggests that you should test this out, on a test page, before making any changes to your live pages. Some examples of what might happen to your formatting are below.

Once enabled, you will then see a toolbar with various options:

  • Source – view the HTML source of the label. If you know HTML, you can use to add more advanced formatting to your label

  • Link – select the text you want to add a link to, and click the second button (chain) to insert a link. Ensure you click the Target tab in this pop-up and set it to “New Window” so that the page is not redirected if clicked

  • Remove link – click into the link you want to remove and click this button

  • Anchor – the flag button inserts an anchor. An anchor is a bookmark within your page, which you can set other links to jump to when clicked

  • Bold, italics, underline – these three buttons add formatting to your link

Regarding the formatting

Note that when you enable the rich text editor, any current label you have in the box will automatically have paragraph tags inserted around them, e.g. <p>Would you like to receive texts?</p>. If you have styles that add formatting, e.g. margins, to paragraphs in labels, you may see that the label looks different as a result.

If you click disable rich text editor, then the toolbar is removed and the html of the label is revealed. You can then remove these tags and just insert plain text as before.

Note that the software will display the rich text editor if the label or default content begins with a tag, so you will need to remove these if you don’t want to use rich text.

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