Lookup Supporter Gadgets – Activity Summary
The Lookup Supporter’s Activity Summary gadget shows categories of supporter activity. You can also customize which categories appear and the data displayed depending on your needs.

There are thirteen categories, as follows.
Total Gifts to Date
Displays the grand total of all donations made by the supporter to date.
Summary – count of total gifts to date
Detail – shows a count of total single and recurring gifts to date, including the total of the donations made for each. The grand total of all single and recurring gifts is also included.
Grouped by currency type.

Recent Recurring Gifts
Displays the last 3 numbers of recurring donations made by the supporter.
Summary – total number of gifts made by the supporter for each of the campaigns included in the detail view.
Detail – shows the campaign reference name; total number of recurring gifts made for the page; date recurring gifts began; amount of recurring gift.
Grouped by currency type
Sorted by most recent

Recent Single Gifts
Displays the count of the last 3 donations made by the supporter.
Summary – The most recent gifts made by the supporter. Displays up to 3
Detail – shows the campaign reference name; date of transaction; amount and currency type.
Sorted by date (oldest on top)

Upsell metrics refer to conversions made through upsell lightboxes on your donation forms.
This will denote the final upgraded recurring amount, the originally selected gift amount, if the originally selected gift was single or recurring, and the specific page and date on which the supporter converted.

Peer to Peer: Total Raised
Displays the number of gifts given, and the total, on Peer-to-peer sites.

Previous Contribution
Displays the Highest Previous Contribution and/or Most Recent Contribution amount donated by the supporter and the date it was made. This can be used in setting up Next Suggested Gift calculations.

Gift Referrals
Displays any donations made as a result of the supporter sharing the campaign URL using an EN shortened URL.
Summary – total number of gift referrals
Detail – shows the total number of gifts given by social share

Advocacy Activity
Displays the total number of advocacy campaign activity captured for the supporter
Summary – shows total number of actions taken by the supporter
Detail – shows email to target and petition activity counts individually; last action type and date.

Activity Attributes
Displays any attributes that are assigned to campaigns the supporter has participated in.
Summary – total number of attributes/topics
Detail – list of each attribute assigned to a campaign that the supporter has registered or participated in.

Email Activity
Displays the number of unique clicks recorded for the supporter.
Summary – total number of clicks
Detail – total number of clicks; date of the latest click; the number of converted clicks and the supporters’ email engagement score.

Engagement score definitions:
anyone who has converted any landing page from an email in the last 3 months
anyone who has clicked on two or more emails in the last 3 months
anyone who has clicked on one email in the last three month
anyone who has converted any landing page from an email in the last 4-6 months
anyone who has clicked on two or more emails in the last 4-6 months
anyone who has clicked on one email in the last 4-6 months
anyone who has converted any landing page from an email in the last 7-12 months
anyone who has clicked on two or more emails in the last 7-12 months
anyone who has clicked on one email in the last 7-12 months
anyone who has only opened an email, in the last 12 months
all other “opted in” individuals
Marketing Automation
Shows as “ACTIVE” if the supporter is currently in an automation, and “INACTIVE” if they are not. Clicking into the item will show the automation(s) they are in if applicable, as well as the automation history.

Origin Source
Displays the origin source value and source category, if any, of the supporter, as well as details on their first transaction.

Profile Membership
Displays any supporter profile the supporter is a member of.
Summary – total number of profiles the supporter belongs to
Detail – list of profiles the supporter belongs to

CRM Segments
Shows whether the supporter is in a CRM Segment, which can be set during a bulk Import. Clicking into the item will display the segment(s).

You can customize which categories are displayed as well as the information available when the gadget first loads by clicking on the settings icon.
Show Summary
Selecting this option will show the category as collapsed when the gadget first loads (pictured below). Click anywhere to expand to the detail view.

Show Detail
Selecting this option will show the expanded category when the gadget first loads (pictured below). Click anywhere to collapse to the summary view.

Selecting this view will hide the category from the gadget when it loads. To display it again go back into the settings and select the “summary” or “detail” view.