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Payment Gateways summary

When a donor submits one of your donation pages, the secure payment information is submitted to a ‘payment gateway’. These gateways authorize the payments, process the funds, and feed back transaction details to Engaging Networks.


This document will highlight some key differences between each of the payment gateways we integrate with, so help you decide which you would like to use for your fundraising pages. It won’t cover transaction fees or costs and it won’t take into account the different requirements each gateway has for organizations wishing to use it.

An important point to bear in mind is that choosing, applying for, setting up and testing your payment gateway can be a time-consuming process: it generally takes a lot longer than setting up the page itself. Therefore, be sure to build in plenty of contingency into your schedule for this.

The restrictions detailed below are imposed by the individual gateways, not the Engaging Networks software.

Links to setup instructions on each gateway are linked at the end.

How does Engaging Networks integrate with a gateway?

We don’t store sensitive credit card details ourselves. When a supporter fills in those fields on the form, our tokenization solution (VGS) will collect and tokenize the donor’s credit card data immediately after it is submitted by the donor, and then securely save it in a vault. Then this info gets passed by VGS to a payment gateway to process the payment, debit the donor and credit your account with them. 

Recurring payments

Some gateways can manage recurring payments. Below is a table detailing what recurring payment options are available for each gateway. For each one, the options are:

Standard: Recurring payments are supported, and managed in Engaging Networks. This means that when the first payment goes through, Engaging Networks receives a reference code for that series of recurring payments. The schedule is set up in our system, and based on that we trigger the future payments by passing the reference code to the gateway again. You can edit, cancel and pause recurring payments in manage supporters

Gateway managed: In this case, recurring payments are supported, but they are managed by the gateway and not Engaging Networks. On page submission, Engaging Networks send the amount and schedule details to the gateway. You will be unable to subsequently change or stop the recurring payments details in Engaging Networks – you’ll need to do it in the gateway.

PDD (paperless direct debit): PDD is based on bank account details rather than credit or debit card details. Setting up a PDD authorises the donor’s bank to make a regular transfer directly based on the schedule submitted. Additionally, an Encrypted Bank Store option is available to securely process bank details directly on Engaging Networks forms in order to then import into the desired processor.

None: Recurring payments are not supported.

GatewayRecurring options
IATSStandard and/or ACH
Moneris (eSelect)Gateway managed
Moneris (vault)Standard
PayPal Express CheckoutStandard
PayPal Payments ProStandard
PaysafeStandard and/or PDD/SEPA*
Payflow ProStandard
StripeStandard and or PDD/SEPA
ACIStandard and/or ACH

Credit/Debit Card Payment Types Accepted

GatewayAmerican ExpressVisaMastercardMaestroCarte BancaireCarte BleueDinersLaser cardDiscoverJCBDankort
PayPal Payments Pro       
Payflow Pro       
MonerisFor Moneris, the card type is derived from the credit card entered
PaySafe (formerly Optimal Payments)For Paysafe, the card type is derived from the credit card entered
Paysafe – PDD/SEPANot based on card: valid UK bank account required
PayPal express checkoutUses donor’s PayPal account instead

Other Payment Types Accepted

GatewayEFTACHBacs Direct Debit UK (PDD)SEPAiDEALSofortBancontactApple PayGoogle PayPayPal One TouchVenmo
PayPal Payments Pro         
Vantiv     ✓*   
Payflow Pro        

*Vantiv can support Apple Pay but configuration requires help from a developer. Contact support for more information.

Currencies and Countries Supported

WorldpaySupports a range of major currencies, but these must be setup on the gateway first.US, UK
PaySafeSupports a range of major currencies, but these must be setup on the gateway first.US, UK
Payflow ProAlso supports a range of currencies that must be agreed with the gateway when you setup your account.US, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain 
PayPal Payments ProAlso supports a range of currencies including USD, GBP, EUR, and CAD, that must be agreed with the gateway when you setup your account.US, UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland
IATSUSD, CAD, GBP, EUR or CHF. Choose just one currency to use at gateway setup.US, Canada, UK, Czechia, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain
MonerisUSD or CAD.US, Canada
Paypal express checkoutUses donor’s PayPal accountn/a
StripeSupports a range of currencies, including USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD, CHF, JPY, and VND, that must be agreed with the gateway when you setup your account.US, UK, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czechia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland

Supporter Management Capabilities in Engaging Networks

GatewayRefundPartial RefundUpdate Recurring AmountUpdate Card Number (Recurring Gift)Update Card Expiration (Recurring Gift)Update Recurring Charge DateUpdate Recurring Frequency
Payflow Pro 
PayPal Payments Pro   



*Please note: This applies to Moneris Vault only. Gift management including refunds are not supported directly through Engaging Networks for Moneris eSelect Plus. Learn more here.

Additional notes


When you are setting up a Worldpay account, you will also be required to send a screenshot of the donation page and to ask them to whitelist our IP addresses. Your local client support will be able to supply the IP addresses.

Paypal Express Checkout

This type of gateway doesn’t require any credit card details on the page. The supporter is directed off to PayPal when they submit the form. There they login to their PayPal account to make the payment. When they are done, they are returned to the Engaging Networks campaign for your “thank you page” or for an action redirect. PayPal Payments Pro functions as a normal gateway, however.


Moneris Canada offers two different gateways: Moneris eSelect and Moneris Vault. They function in similar ways, but have different terms and conditions. Recurring payments are also managed differently.

Test Mode

There is an option when adding a gateway to an account to enable Test Mode. Credentials for a test gateway can be different than the credentials for the live gateway and are usually provided by the gateway. Test credit card numbers can be used with the test gateway and those are provided in the articles for each individual gateway below. All gateways with Test Mode enabled will generate transactions with TEST prepended to the payment type field which can be used to differentiate them from live transactions.

Further reading

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