Security Center
The Security Center is a space where a Super Admin can monitor and manage security and compliance across an Engaging Networks account. There are various reports that can be used to adhere to regulatory compliance and security best practices.
How to access the Security Center
Super Admins can access the Security Center from Hello > Security Center.

Available information
From the Tools menu, you can access reports and resources that can help your organization address ongoing regulatory requirements.

Trust Center - The Trust Center is a collection of compliance documentation and resources, Engaging Networks security controls, and a general information hub clients can utilize. As an example, documentation such as a SOC report can be downloaded from the Trust Center.
Manage your low-volume pages - The low volume page report can be used to identify pages that may be inactive and can be closed or deleted. It can be used to reduce the number of pages your organization is responsible for scanning for PCI compliance and help reduce your overall account administration needs.
Review your page vulnerabilities - Vulnerabilities are flaws that can be exploited by an attacker to compromise a system. The scan results page report will show pages that have assets with known vulnerabilities and the severity of the vulnerabilities so they can be updated or removed from your pages.
Download page list for PCI compliance scanning - Clients using pages that accept credit card payments (Donation, Events, Peer to Peer pages, etc) need to follow Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) which includes a requirement to conduct quarterly scans of payment pages via an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV). This tool allows you to download a csv of pages in the account that will be subject to those quarterly scans. The csv includes Client ID, Client Name, Page ID, Page name, Page URL and Scan Endpoint.

Content Security Policies (Coming Soon) - A Content-Security-Policy is an HTTP response header that browsers use to enhance the security of a web page. This tool will give Super Admins greater control over defining that response header by dictating what assets can be loaded on Engaging Networks pages.
Page vulnerabilities overview

The page vulnerabilities overview will show an aggregate number of vulnerabilities found across all pages in an Engaging Networks Account. This section includes the date and time of the last scan performed by Engaging Networks and the vulnerabilities broken out by severity. You can review the pages in more detail using the report available in the Security Center under Tools > Review your page vulnerabilities.

The Users section of the security center includes information on the number of Users in your Engaging Networks account and the proportion of them without multi-factor (two-factor) authentication enabled. While it is not required to have multi-factor authentication enabled, it is a security best practice. There is a link from this area to the User administration area where two-factor authentication can be configured for Users by a Super Admin. Super Admins can also navigate to that area from Hello > Account Settings > Users. Read more here about two factor authentication in Engaging Networks.