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Supporter Profiles

Supporter profiles are used to segment your supporters into groups. These profiles can then be used in your queries to export supporters, to select supporters when sending emails, but also to show conditional content in pages and emails. You can also use them in visual reports to compare engagement of different profiles.

Profiles use various filters to determine which supporters should be in the profile, based on user data, question responses, participation in advocacy actions or submitted fundraising pages.

Profiles are not mutually exclusive – that is, a supporter can be in more than one profile at once, although when selecting for conditional emails, you prioritise them so that a supporter can only receive one email. Check the Activity Summary gadget to see what profiles a particular supporter is in.

Profiles will auto-update their data once a day if they are scheduled, or when manually updated. When used, they will select based on their most recent update.

Creating a profile

Click on the

button to create a new profile. This will take you to the “Create Profile” screen.

Enter the name of your profile in the name field.

Select the “Filter Conditions” you would like to use for the profile: AND or OR. This will only be used if you add more than one filter to your profile and can be changed at any time.

Adding filters to a profile

Select the type of filter you would like to use from the filter dropdown menu and click the “Add filter” button.

Filter conditions

If you would like to add multiple filters to a profile, you will need to repeat the process until you have the combination you want.

The filter condition setting determines how the filters will work together. AND (the default) will pick supporters that match every filter you include. That is, the more filters you add, the more precise and narrow the group that will be selected. For example, selecting people opted-in AND in London will only pick people in London that are opted-in.

OR will select everyone that obeys any of the filters. That is, the more filters you add, the bigger the group will be. For example, selecting people opted-in OR in London can pick people in London that are not opted-in (and people opted-in from any city).

Available filters (general)


Find supporters with an attribute or attributes. These are set on page and email activity.

Constituent data

This filter selects supporters based on constituent data fields, such as City. 

  • Select a field: select which field you want to filter on

  • Operator: you can select different options to match the field against. Equals, Does not equal, Contains, Ends with, Begins with, Is Null and Is Not Null. Untagged fields also offer “Is a number between” (for number formatted fields. Use the tilde, e.g. 0~100 for between 0 and 100 – this will include records with value 0 and records with value 100), Is Before (for YYYYMMDD formatted fields) and Is After (for YYYYMMDD formatted fields) 

Examples of using this filter:

  • A profile of email addresses that end with (case insensitive)

  • A profile of supporters who live in London (city equals London, case insensitive)

Last opt-in question response date

Find supporters who either did, or did not, respond to an Opt-in question with a particular value in a given timeframe. 

  • Find supporters who: have or have not

  • responded to: add your opt-in question(s) here

  • With the value: Y (opt-in) or N (opted-out)

  • from: all sources (i.e. including imports) or page submissions only

  • date range: during the last, during this date range, on this date, since this date, before this date

Your opt in settings could cause unexpected results If your account settings are either unchecked for “Update existing supporter records when an opt-in question response is submitted via web page” and you are using a checkbox opt-in or checked for “If an Opt In value is Y, do not display on the page render for the supporter” then it means that supporters may not be creating opt-in transactions when taking part in your pages and so this filter would naturally not be able to include those submissions.

Examples of using this filter:

  • Two filters of the same type with an AND could pick up supporters that opted-in between 1-2 years ago but not in the last year. For example, Supporters who have responded to ‘Email Opt-in’ with the value of Y during the during the last 730 days, AND supporters who have not responded to Email Opt-in with the value of Y during the last 365 days

Last participation date

Find supporters who submitted any advocacy pages, donation pages, P2P sites, or engaged with a broadcast email they have received, in a given period.

This does not include questions or opt-ins.

Note that for email to target campaign pages, this will include both Registrations and Participations.  

Also note that a recurring donor may be giving to you frequently, without participating.

Origin source

Identify supporters who’s origin source has been identified by one of the ‘origin sources’ as defined either:

  • During an import

  • During a page submission (set in the page’s admin settings)

  • During a page submission (set in the URL)

Origin source category

Identify supporters who’s origin source falls in to a particular category.

Question responses

This filter selects supporters based on their latest answer to a bespoke Question

  • Find supporters whose response to: add the question, or questions, to query on. They are added as OR, which means the criteria only need match one or more of these questions

  • Operator: you can select different options to match the field against, including equals, contains, begins with

Examples of using this filter:

  • Supporters whose opt-in response is equal to Y (yes)

  • Supporters who answered one of several questions with “More information”

Supporter create date

You can filter supporters based on when they were created.

  • Date range: enter a set date range, number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date. The profile will then search for any participation in that time period.

Tracking parameter

You can filter supporters based on the tracking URLs they used to access the action.

  • Tracking parameters: select ‘any’ or specific tracking parameters that you are interested in

  • Date range: enter a set date range, number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date. The profile will then search for any participation in that time period.

  • Action count: determine the action count for your profile.

Available filters (advocacy)

Advocacy activity

This filter picks supporters based on their responses to advocacy actions. There are several options available:

  • Activity type – “Any advocacy activity” will include submissions made to a Data Capture, Petition, Email to Target, Tweet to Target, Click to Call or Survey page. “Email to target” just that page type. “Data capture” includes the page types Data Capture, Petition

  • Action count: you can determine the action count for your profile. More than 0 would pick supporters that took the action 1 or more times

  • Date range: you can enter a set date range, number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date. The profile will then search for any participation in that time period.

Examples of using this filter:

  • A profile of supporters who took more than two actions within the last 30 days

  • A profile of supporters who took part in more than 2 email to target actions in the last month.

Data capture activity

This filter picks supporters based on their petition or data capture activity.

  • Campaign: you can select ‘any’ or the specific campaigns. This filter acts as an “OR”.

  • Action count: you can determine the action count for your profile. More than 0 would pick supporters that took the action 1 or more times. Picking 0 will mean they did not take that action.

  • Data range: you can enter a set date range, number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date (since means after in this case, so since 1 Jan would mean 2 Jan and after). The profile will then search for any participation in that time period.

Examples of using this filter:

  • Pick supporters who took any data capture action within the last 30 days

  • Pick supporters who did not do a specific petition since 1 January 2020

Email to Target activity

This filter picks supporters based on their email to target activity, whether they fully participated or only registered.

  • Campaign: you can select ‘any’ or the specific campaigns. This filter acts as an “OR”.

  • Action count: you can determine the action count for your profile. More than 0 would pick supporters that took the action 1 or more times

  • Data range: you can enter a set date range, number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date (since means after in this case, so since 1 Jan would mean 2 Jan and after). The profile will then search for any participation in that time period.

Examples of using this filter:

  • Pick supporters who didn’t take any email to target actions within the last 6 months

Available filters (fundraising)

Fundraising donation amount

Find supporters based on the amount donated in a single transaction within a specific time period.

  • Amount: enter the amount you are interested in

  • Currency: filters for the currency donated in

  • Date range: enter a set date range or a number of days. The profile will search for any donations that occurred during the specified period

Examples of using this filter:

  • supporters who donated £10 in a single transaction during the last 30 days.

Fundraising donation processed

Find supporters by donation count (number of donations made), which can be filtered for specific pages and date range. 

  • Fundraising pages: you can select ‘any’ or specific fundraising pages.

  • Data range: you can enter a set date range, number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date. The profile will then search for any participation in that time period.

  • Donation count: you can determine the donation count for your profile. More than 0 would pick those who made a donation once or more times. 

Examples of using this filter:

  • supporters who donated more than 2 times during the last 30 days as part of any donation page

  • supporters who have never donated (equal to 0)

Fundraising recurring donation

Filter supporters data based on the recurring amount donated within a specific time period and/or the recurring payment status (for managed FCRs, not FURs).

  • Amount: enter the amount without the currency symbol

  • Currency: specify the currency

  • Status: Select from “any”, “active”, “suspended”, “paused” or “canceled”. 

    Active is the default status for recurring donations. Suspended are ones that have been rejected after 3 attempts, set automatically. Paused is the status used to prevent the recurring donation to process at the request of the donor, set manually. Cancelled is the status used to manually cancel a recurring donation at the request of the donor.

  • Date range: you can enter a set date range, number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date. The profile will then search for any participation in that time period.

Fundraising recurring status

Identify supporters whose last recurring donation resulted in a specific payment status.

  • Where the last recurring payment status was: one of “any status”, “active”, “suspended”, “paused” or “canceled”. Suspended are ones that have been rejected after 3 attempts, set automatically. Paused is the status used to prevent the recurring donation to process at the request of the donor, set manually. Cancelled is the status used to manually cancel a recurring donation at the request of the donor.

  • During this date range: You can narrow down the results by limiting results to a specific time period, such as a set date range, during the last X number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date. 

Fundraising total donations

Find supporters by the amount they have donated, in total, within a specific time period. 

  • Amount: enter the amount you are interested in. If you want a range, use the ~ symbol (this is inclusive, e.g. 10~100 would pick total donations of 10 exactly up to 100 exactly)

  • Currency: filters for the currency donated in

  • Date range: a set date range, number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date. The profile will then search for any participation in that time period

Examples of using this filter:

  • supporters who donated, in total, between £50 and £100 during the last 30 days (50~100)

Available filters (email)

Email activity

Filter for supporter broadcast email activity. You can select supporters:

  • by email activity – opened, clicked through, or converted (note that click and conversions can only be counted if you are using the correct email insert links)

    • Including or excluding marketing automation emails

  • by email type (set when sending emails) – any, newsletter, advocacy, fundraising

If selecting to include marketing automation emails, these categories would not be available as additional filter options and will include any emails by default.

  • in the last X days

Email engagement filter

Filter supporters based on their email engagement score. This is set every month, and categorises supporters into set scores depending on recency and type of email activity. It is useful to help pick out supporters to re-engage or sunset.

  • Engagement level is: select “equal to”, “less than” or “greater than”. Note: “Less than” is like the mathematical operator, so “less than 3” would include 0, 1 and 2 (and not 3) and similarly for “greater than”.

  • Scoring: select the score you would like to filter on. More information on these scores and in the tool and on this page.

Available filters (membership)

Membership expiring

Find supporters who have membership(s) expiring in the next X number of days. The membership types are listed as added in the membership types component.

Membership purchases

Find supporters who purchased membership(s) of any or a particular type (see membership types) during a particular date range, during the last x number of days, on a particular date, or since or before a particular date. For memberships with multiple terms, you can choose either ‘All’ terms, or narrow it down to particular terms (e.g 12 month memberships only).

Membership renewals

Find supporters who have renewed their membership(s) of any or a particular type (see membership types) in the last x number of days. For memberships with multiple terms, you can choose either ‘All’ terms, or narrow it down to particular terms (e.g 12 month memberships only).

Membership status

Identify supporters who have memberships of a particular status, identified by any type of membership – or narrowed down to a particular membership type (see membership types)

A membership status can be either ‘Active’ or ‘Lapsed’.

Available filters (peer-to-peer)

Peer-to-peer amount raised

Find supporters having raised at least a certain amount on particular peer-to-peer fundraising sites. You can limit the results to fall within a particular date range, during the last x number of days, on a particular date, or since or before a particular date.

Peer-to-peer goal reached 

Identify supporters who have reached a specified percentage of the goal they set themselves on particular fundraising sites.

Peer-to-peer login 

Find supporters whose last log-in was a specified number of days ago. For example, lesser than 100 days would pick up supporters who logged in within the last 100 days

Peer-to-peer supporter type

If a peer-to-peer site is using Group fundraising, this profile can filter for Leaders and Members roles in a group

Peer-to-peer transaction processed 

Identify supporters who’s peer-to-peer fundraising page has seen a certain number of transactions being processed. Specify a transaction count as ‘equal to’, ‘lesser than’ or ‘greater than’.

You can narrow down the results by limiting results to a specific time period, such as a set date range, during the last X number of days, a specific date, before a specific date or after a specific date. 

Adding and removing filters

When you add extra filters to your profile they will keep appearing in a list on the page. The “filter condition” you selected will appear between each filter as well. Click on the filter title to expand and collapse it to view the filter criteria.

You can remove any filter by clicking on the delete icon ❌.

Once you have set the filters up, click “Save” to remain on the profile create/edit page. Click ‘”Save and close” to return to the main profiles page. You can also click “Cancel” to return to the main profiles page without saving the profile.

To keep your profile up to date and to ensure it captures all the supporters it should, you will need to continue to run the profile in the software or schedule it to automatically run. Instructions for doing so can be found here.

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