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Marketing Tools – Broadcast – Sending a Message

You can only send a broadcast once you have completed the setup, audience and message stages. We recommend you test it thoroughly before sending. 

If it is not ready to send, you will see a Not ready to send error with information about why the broadcast is not ready to send.


Otherwise, you will see a Ready to send message.

Sending the broadcast

Review the Query and other items at the top.

Sending the message immediately

You can “Send immediately” which will immediately schedule the email to be sent out to the selected supporters. 

Scheduling the message


You can schedule the message broadcast for a later date/time. Select the appropriate Date, Time and Timezone.

Sent Time Optimization

When scheduling the message,  you can also choose to use Sent Time Optimization. This will attempt to send according to the “Send Date” and “Send Time” for the supporter’s timezone, based on collected data from when they interact with your pages.

This can also be uploaded via the Data & Reports > Import tool. You would need two columns at least in your CSV file – the email address of the supporter, and a column headed as “Send Offset”, which should contain values for supporter time offsets from GMT (+00:00). The software supports a range of pre-defined time-zones.

Currently defined zones for send offsets are:

+10:00 +09:30 +09:00 +08:00 +05:30 +03:00 +01:00 -00:00 +00:00 -03:00 -04:00 -05:00 -06:00 -07:00 -08:00

As not all timezones are included in this list of send offsets, some values representing offsets which fall near one these pre-defined zones will be converted upon import. For example, +04:30, +05:00, +05:45, +06:00, +06:30 and 06:45 are near +05:30, and so will be selected as being part of this “zone”.

Please schedule at least 24 hours prior to sending for best performance

Supporters in Marketing Automations

Depending on your account preferences, the tool might automatically exclude supporters currently in a Marketing Automation workflow from your broadcast. You can override this by switching “”Include supporters on all Marketing Automation workflows” on

This is useful if, for example, you have an emergency appeal email to send out and you want to reach as many supporters as possible.

For Split Tests

Split Test % - Percentage of the audience who will receive the test emails. For example, if the campaign has two messages and you choose 10% of the audience, 5% of the audience will receive one email and another 5% will receive the other email. Then after a winner is selected, the remaining 90% of the audience will be sent the winning email.

Split test winner - This is where you determine how the winner will be chosen for the split test. The winner will chosen option requires a winner be manually selected by a User. Automatically select a winner allows the User to choose the criteria that will determine the winner and the number of hours before a winner is selected. If the split test account setting is enabled, the automatic option will be the default selected and the settings will match the account settings (but can be changed).


If you have set it to be manually sent, then you can go to the Reporting stage which is accessed via the list of broadcasts.


After reviewing the reporting, you can then choose the split test version, and click Select winner and send and the remaining percentage of supporters not included in the test will receive the selected version.

Rescheduling and Canceling

Once the email has been scheduled or sent, it will show as a job in the job monitor. To cancel a scheduled email, the job can be deleted from the job monitor.

Broadcasts can also be canceled or rescheduled from the Messaging Broadcast area by selecting the clock icon.

Make sure your links will encode correctly! Check your Allowed Domains under Hello > Account Settings > Allowed Domains to be sure that the first and second domains/subdomains are ones that are pointing to our servers. If there are domains/subdomains that are not pointed to our servers, your links will not encode correctly and your links will fail in a live email.

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