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Checklist: Before Making Your Actions Live!

Before you promote your actions, it’s always worth taking a moment and check that they aren’t missing these important items as it will help your supporters’ experience with your pages as well as ensuring that you’re collecting the data you require.

Your action(s) will work without these elements but checking they are in place could be a useful process and might save you some headaches in the long run.

Each bullet point links off to an associated supportal page, so you can find out more if you need to

  • Have you checked how your page looks on different devices?
  • If you have added ‘redirect and filters’ to your action, have you tested all scenarios to ensure the page flow is working as it should?
  • If you’re launching a donation page have you included a donation receipt, that will attach itself to the thank you email?
  • If you’re launching an email to target action, have you included user field inserts so the campaign target(s) can easily see who the emails are coming from (e.g. their name and address)?
  • Have you added social sharing options to your action, allowing your supporters to share what they’ve done with their friends?
  • If you are planning on publishing your action on various channels (e.g. homepage, email, Facebook, staff email etc.) have you created different URLs using our tracking values tool?
  • Have you checked, or added, your Google Analytics (or other) code to your HTML template?
  • Have you looked into adding our one-click donation functionality to your donation pages? This will give your supporters, who have given to you before, the option of giving again without having to re-enter their card details.
  • Ensure you clear any test data from your pages before launching
  • Ensure you have added tracking parameters and assigned them to your social sharing buttons

We hope you find this ‘check list’ useful. If any of the above points aren’t familiar to you, please contact your local client support team and they will be happy to help show you what to do.

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