2024 Release Notes
November 2024 - 5.11
This release deployed on November 15, 2024 at 3pm ET.
Notable Updates
Marketing Tools
We continue making improvements to the Marketing Tools to deliver a user-friendly experience and optimize your email marketing efforts.
Multi-user editing : We’ve introduced a new feature that provides a notification when a broadcast is being edited by another user. This enhancement helps prevent overwriting changes made by other users and ensures smoother team collaboration. If another team member is working on the same broadcast, you’ll see an alert, allowing you to decide whether to wait before making further edits to avoid disruption.
Marketing Automation: Clients can now define at the individual automation level whether supporters active in a particular automation should be included in Marketing Tools broadcasts.
This release includes further updates to data categories as well as exciting new features.
New Features
Folders and subfolders
New folder management features have been added to the Segments page to allow users to organize their Segments. Users can now create folders, subfolders and use bulk actions to move or delete multiple items.
New Categories & Filters
Keywords: Identify supporters based on their SMS keywords usage in a specified timeframe.
SMS activity: Identify supporters based on SMS delivery in a specified timeframe.
Geo location: Identify supporters who live within a specific selected region. This filter is based on supporters’ imported geolocation.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser (legacy): Identify legacy Peer-to-peer fundraisers. This new filter provides admins in the legacy Peer-to-Peer toolset with the ability to:
Target by role: Identify fundraisers by role (e.g., captain, team member).
Date-Based Targeting: Filter for fundraisers based on registration date with options like "During the last X days/months."
Marketing Tools
Segment Duplication: When duplicating a marketing tools broadcast with a segment that had been created from scratch within that broadcast, the new message will now contain a copy of that segment. Any changes to the segment will only be reflected in the audience for the new broadcast; the original will stay as-is.
Lapsed Donors predefined segments: We have added additional customisation allowing users to first define the timeframe for their donor audience, and then choose the number of months during which they have not donated.
Supporter Data category: We've enhanced the Supporter Data category filters by adding new date operators, enabling users to filter the Birthday field and Other data fields using relative dates. This improvement makes it easier to segment and target supporters based on dynamic date criteria.
Browser Session Issues: To help ensure that gifts made through digital wallet flows, like PayPal One Touch, are properly recorded, additional work has been done to preserve donations in certain browser flows.
Premium Donations
On Premium donation pages, the premium donation block allows clients to create rules based on whether a gift is single or recurring. Users can now further customize the rules to use recurring donation frequency (monthly, annually etc).
Data & Reporting
Keyword reporting - keyword level: A downloadable SMS keyword usage report has been added to address the need for more robust keyword reporting. Users will also be able to define the report timeframe for more targeted reports.
Salesforce Integration: Default Mapping Updates
The Version 1.33 package introduced a "Matching Group" feature, giving Salesforce admins better control over multi-transaction workflows. With this release, we’ve expanded on this by including the "Matching Group" functionality in the default mappings used during installation. The new mappings help minimize CampaignMember errors, particularly in multi-transaction email-to-target campaigns.
New Clients: Automatically benefit from the new mappings at installation.
Existing Clients: No immediate changes required if everything works well with their current setup, but they can update if needed.
Our Recommendation: If the current setup works smoothly, there’s no need to change anything. However, if clients are experiencing related issues, we suggest adopting the updated mappings for better alignment.
How to apply this update:
Manual Update: Adjust the existing mappings to incorporate the "Matching Group" functionality.
Reinstallation Option: Delete current mappings and reinstall to apply the updates over existing configurations.
In both cases is it recommended that this be actioned first in a sandbox environment or make a backup of the existing Mapping Rule.
Peer-to-Peer (Beta)
If you are interested in checking out the new peer-to-peer tool, please reach out to your Account Success Manager.
Support for assigning 'Organizations' at site level: Admins can now easily associate account ‘organizations’ to a site through a ‘bulk assign’ interface, under the Organizations tile.
Participant Types List Updated: A 'Remaining' column has been added to the Participant Types list to help track the number of available spots for each participant type.
Fundraiser and Participant Reports: These reports now include the 'Participation Type' field.
Re-aligned page status values in Fundraiser Report: With more page statuses being made available from the first version of this report, the page statuses of Active, Pending - Paid, Unpaid and Blocked have now been included.
Shipping Fields added to the Incentive Activity Report: In the ‘Incentives’ framework, fundraisers can accept premium gifts as rewards for raising money at certain milestones. To better help in reconciliation from the dashboard, Shipping Fields have been added to the report.
Additional Merge fields on the checkout page: New merge tags that allow for the display of the minimum commitment, registration fee, minimum commitment minus registration fee, and additional donation have been made available.
Donations Report available under Donations tile: Under the ‘Donations Tile’, the donations report has been made available so that it is easy to download all donations made to the site.
Captcha Improvements: In the peer-to-peer registration flow, we’ve integrated Cloudflare’s Turnstile and invisible CAPTCHA as security measures to combat fraud and bots.
Visit the 2024 Peer-to-Peer release notes page for a full list of improvements made so far this year to the new P2P tool.
Bug Fixes
Marketing Tools
Fix for NSG link issue affecting Supporters without MRC/HPC: Supporters without MRC (Most Recent Contribution) or HPC (Highest Previous Contribution) were unable to view the correct NSG (Next Suggested Gift) options. When these supporters accessed a NSG-enabled page from an email, the fallback NSG amount would incorrectly disable other available NSG options and prevent the normal display of monthly or one-time contribution options. This fix ensures the proper functionality of all NSG amounts and swap lists for eligible supporters.
Last Gift Date data category: The filter logic has been updated to correctly handle the initial recurring donation checkbox.
Credit card expiry value passed to Stripe incorrectly: When token field type was used for the Credit Card Expiration field, the value passed to Stripe was formatted incorrectly and made the transaction fail. This has been resolved.
Vantiv transaction status recorded incorrectly: Some Vantiv transactions with a new error code were erroneously recorded as rejected when they were successful. This has been corrected. More information can be found here.
Peer to Peer (Beta)
Pay via PayPal transactions not associated correctly: If a donation was made using Pay via PayPal, it was not correctly being associated. This has been resolved.
Automated emails not using the 'Sender Name': The registration emails sent from a site were not using the Sender Name property, even though it was set. This has been fixed.
Team page public status flip: When a team captain registered and selected their page as 'Private,' then later changed it to 'Public' in the settings, the team page did not also automatically become visible. This has been updated.
On Site creation, the home page 'Leaderboard' gadget defaulted to Search: When a site was created, the homepage leaderboard gadget incorrectly defaulted both the search and leaderboard links to the search function. This issue has now been resolved.
On Site creation, set the "thank donor" message to active by default: During site creation, the "Thank Donor" message is now set to active by default.
'Organization' site page currency fix: An associated site page previously defaulted to USD. Now, the correct currency will display based on the site’s settings.
'Organization' site page default label update: The default label on the 'Organization' site page has been updated from "Runners" to "Fundraisers."
'Organization' site page’s link between levels, has been improved: The link between levels on an 'Organization' site page has been improved. Work has been completed to better display site hierarchies between organizations. For example, companies with child companies now display correctly across all levels—from parent to child, down to the team and individual levels.
October 2024 - 5.10
This release deployed on October 4, 2024 at 3pm ET.
Notable Updates
Marketing Tools
In order to ensure your emails are compliant with Google and Yahoo's 2024 sender requirements for list-unsubscribe header links, we are setting a requirement from our front-end tools that all broadcast emails and emails sent via the Marketing Automation tool are sent with a working unsubscribe link (be that to a Subscription Management page, or a One-Click Unsubscribe page).
Mandating these unsubscribe links makes sure that our systems are able to populate your email headers with a list-unsubscribe link, which in turn brings those emails into compliance with RFC 2369 and RFC 8058 (as of this year, both are required when sending to Google- and Yahoo-controlled mailboxes).
Following last month's release of our new Segments tool, this release includes further updates to data categories and additional new features.
New Features
Create or Edit an Audience in Marketing Tools
Users can now define a new audience from scratch when building a broadcast, offering more flexibility than using only saved Segments. Users can also edit a local copy of an existing segment from within the Marketing Tools.
Duplicate a Segment
You can now easily duplicate segments from the 'My Segments' list, eliminating the need to recreate similar segments manually.
Add Description to a Segment
A new text field allows you to add internal notes to Segments, aiming to make team collaboration easier.
Filter by Numeric Range in Supporter Data
Users can now filter supporter data using a range of numeric values by specifying both minimum and maximum limits.
Relative Date Filtering in Segments
The ability to filter segments using relative date options (e.g., "is after X days ago"), similar to what is currently available in supporter profiles, has been added.
Segment Details on Message and Reporting Screens
Segment details (like segment name and query information) are now visible on the Message, Test & Send screens, and in Reporting, improving visibility during the creation of broadcast messages and after broadcasts have been sent.
New Categories & Filters
Acquisition Category: New filter for Facebook Lead Forms
The ability to target supporters who came through Facebook Lead Forms has been added under the ‘Acquisition’ category.
Events Category: Target Supporters with Additional Donations
Use the new Event Pages filter to find supporters who made additional donations on event pages.
Peer-to-Peer Category: This new category includes several filters that will allow you to segment based on activity in our new peer-to-peer tool.
Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser: This new filter provides admins in the new Peer-to-Peer toolset with the ability to:
Target by Participant Type: Identify fundraisers by participant type(s).
Target by Role: Identify fundraisers by role (e.g., captain, team member).
Target by Appeal Code: Filter fundraisers by the appeal code used during registration.
Target by In Honor Of: Focus on fundraisers raising money in honor of someone.
Date-Based Targeting: Filter for fundraisers based on registration date with options like "During the last X days/months."
Fundraising Goal: Target fundraisers who have reached specific goal levels.
Amount Raised: Filter for fundraisers who have raised specific monetary thresholds on a Peer-to-Peer site.
Peer-to-Peer Incentives: Identify fundraisers who have accepted or declined incentive products.
Legacy P2P Donors: Clients will be able to target peer-to-peer donors based on the site used, if the transaction came through the legacy peer to peer toolset. Please note: an additional filter called Legacy P2P Fundraising will be coming in the next release.
Marketing Tools
We continue making improvements to the Marketing Tools to deliver a user-friendly experience and optimize your email marketing efforts.
Duplicate blocks: Clients can now duplicate a block when editing a broadcast message or template. This will aid the efficiency of the content creation process by adding the ability to reuse already inserted content.
Broadcast text editing: Additional insert tools will allow users to insert email and telephone links in email messages.
Keywords case sensitivity: SMS keywords are now case-insensitive, removing the need for users to worry about capitalization in their replies.
DELAYED TO NOVEMBER RELEASE Marketing Automation: Clients can now define at the individual automation level whether supporters active in a particular automation should be included in Marketing Tools bulk emails.
Data & Reporting
Supporter lookup: SMS transactions (SBC) are now visible on the Supporter Lookup page under ‘Transactions History’. Please note you will need to adjust gadget settings to include those transactions in the view.
Keywords reporting: A downloadable SMS keyword usage report has been added to address the need for more robust keyword reporting. Users will also be able to define the report timeframe for more targeted reports:
Bancontact: we upgraded the API to the Payment Intents API. Applicable if you have supporters in Belgium.
Revoke tokens of deleted users: When deleting a user, we will now delete any private tokens created by this user. A confirmation modal will pop up and require the admin to click ‘Delete’ before proceeding.
Scan Date Display in Scan Results Report: We've added the scan date to the scan results report user interface, making it easier to see when the last scan was run and understand your recent activity at a glance. You can also see this report by template now.
Mapping Rules: The default set of Mapping Rules made available on installation has been updated with the improvements seen in 1.3+ packages.
Expiry date: The list of years in the expiry date field has been updated to start from the current year by default.
Credit Card and CVV: Like in page builder, credit card and cvv fields are defaulted to ‘token’ to align with VGS card processing.
We are excited to begin including release notes for our new peer-to-peer product, which has been in beta for some time. We now have several clients using it and we recognize the importance of providing clear documentation on the changes and updates being made to this new area of our tools. By sharing release notes moving forward, we aim to increase transparency, keeping our users informed about new features, bug fixes, and enhancements
Include Goal and Participant Type Items in the PFRP Transaction Row: Provides additional information on the registration transactions so that CRMs can easily extract goal, goal setting, participant type, participant type id.
Allow .cookielaw.org as a Third-Party Cookie Management Tool: Adds support for the use of https://www.cookielaw.org/ for cookie management across peer to peer sites
Locale Improvements to Expose Validators to Non-en-US Clients: Ensures validators work for clients operating in locales other than en-US.
Fields with HTML Labels Not Rendering Correctly: Fixes an issue where HTML field labels were incorrectly rendered as placeholder text instead of above the input field.
Offer a Class to Override Default Image on Fundraiser Profile Image: Allows clients to use custom avatars if no profile image is uploaded for fundraisers.
Offer a Class to Override Default Image on Leaderboards and Search Results: Similar functionality as the fundraiser profile image override, but for leaderboards and search results.
Organizations at the Site Level Are Not Unique for Teams: Fixes an issue where organizations were not correctly associated with teams at the site level.
Leaderboard Gadget ‘Search’ Link Points to the Incorrect Place on Site Creation: Fixes a bug where the leaderboard gadget links to the wrong page on new site creation.
Bug Fixes
Marketing Tools
Split test winner: There was an issue with sending a split test winner based on win criteria set at the campaign level if automatic sending wasn’t enabled at the account level, in Email Settings. This has been resolved.
Custom Date Marketing Automation: The automation settings have been updated to allow client admins to define whether imported records will be included as an audience for the Marketing Automation. This setting can be adjusted by selecting the checkbox on the automation’s ‘Supporters’ tab.
Tab characters: Added better handling of pasting a tab character in Marketing Tools and Email Classic.
Improved Automation Status Filters: The Automation Status filter has been updated to correctly handle "Jumped" and "Unsubscribed" statuses, ensuring accurate targeting in automation journeys.
Checkbox Options Greyed Out When "Sent" is Selected: In the Automation Messages filter, when the "Sent" option is selected, all other checkboxes are now disabled to provide consistency with Broadcast Messages.
Survey report: Non tagged data fields were previously not included in the downloadable survey report. This has been resolved.
External reference data: There was an issue with exported files for transactions where only External Reference 7 was enabled at the account level. This has now been fixed.
Supporter lookup: In the transactional history gadget on a supporter record, ECS and FRU transactions were displayed using incorrect transaction codes. This has been resolved.
SMS webhook: We now check the supporter’s phone number based on starting with or without a ‘+’ symbol when tracking SMS webhook events.
Keyword report modal: The keyword report modal was rendering at 100% width. That has been reduced to look better.
Custom notification filter: When a custom notification email was configured with a donation amount filter, the email notification was sent regardless of donation amount when Chariot DAF was the payment type. This has been resolved.
Notification email: The donation amount listed in the notification email for Chariot DAF transactions omitted the decimal (5.00 was shown as 500, for example). This has been resolved.
August 2024 - 5.9.1
This release deployed on August 30, 2024 at 3pm ET
Notable Updates
Segments is available to use to build audiences for your Marketing Tools messages. Segments can be found under Data & Reports.
Supportal documentation here.
Academy course available here.
August 2024 - 5.9.0
This release deployed on August 9, 2024 at 3pm ET
Notable Updates
Get excited - Segments is arriving in your Engaging Networks account soon! We will have a brand new course in the Academy and documentation in the Supportal to help familiarize you with how Segments works. We hope you are looking forward to checking it out in a few weeks!
WorldPay: We have migrated from “Pay as Order” to a tokenization solution due to the decommissioning of “Pay as Order” coming in October 2024. Only WorldPay (not Vantiv) clients who are processing recurring payments and/or using the “one click” functionality must contact WorldPay to enable tokenization in their accounts. Once this happens, they must inform Engaging Networks to turn on this new solution, as otherwise, transactions will start failing in October 2024.
Deleting a gateway: clients can now delete a gateway even if there are live pages, recurring schedules, or events dependent on it. Those pages and recurring gifts will not be affected.
Moneris: we are now passing these additional fields when processing a transaction: cardholder email and browser IP.
Account Management
Deleting Supporters: We have added an icon to the file selection screen in Delete User Data to more easily differentiate it from the Import User Data screen.
Account logs will now be generated if an Engaging Networks User creates or deletes a page from an account. Account logs are available to Super Admins under Hello > Account Settings > Account Logs.
Credit Card Update transactions (FRU) will now include additional information to reflect where the change was made.
Change [new card]
will be inserted into Campaign Data 21 column.hub-$SupporterId
will be inserted into Campaign Data 22 column if the update has been made via the Supporter Hub.The email address of the User who made the change will be inserted into Campaign Data 22 column if the update has been made via the Supporter’s record.
Marketing Tools
A Next Suggested Gift (NSG) value can now be inserted into Marketing Tools broadcast email messages as either a text value or page link.
When inserting page links, additional options will be available to add the NSG value into the link text if the selected page has NSG configured.
To learn more, check out a brand new course in our Academy on Next Suggested Gift.
You are only able to insert a NSG value once in a single email broadcast (including either the value on its own or within the link). Any additional inserted values will not work properly.
Bug Fixes
Data Import
Importing supporter data without Send Offset was clearing out any values stored for that supporter in the Send Offset fields. This has been fixed.
July 2024 - 5.8.1
This hotfix was deployed on July 12, 2024 at 3pm ET.
When a user tried to update a recurring payment in the hub, the update failed if the credit card field type was token. This was fixed.
Processing webhooks for Stripe ACH charge events failed. This was fixed.
Exporting a finance report failed if the report was too large. This was fixed.
Low volume pages
Only allow a Super Admin to view the results.
Excluded pages from the report that were created within the last 30 days.
Added additional warning when deleting pages.
Marketing Tools
There was an issue with duplicating broadcast messages when dashes were used in message names. This has been fixed.
June 2024 - 5.8.0
This release deployed June 28, 2024 at 3pm ET
Notable Updates
Support added for ACH Vantiv as a secondary gateway: In this release we have added the ability to include the Vantiv gateway to process ACH transactions as a secondary gateway (“Vantiv ACH”). This can be used in combination with Payflow Pro to process credit card transactions on the same donation page. For more information, please check the supportal page: Vantiv Gateway.
Marketing Tools
We continue to improve our Marketing Tools functionality with each release to include additional features and provide a better experience.
Marketing Tools split test win criteria, now available at campaign level: Going forward, split test win criteria will also be available at the individual broadcast level. If a broadcast message includes a split test, then on the sending screen of the campaign, users will now be able to select the preferred way to identify the winner. The default selection from Email Settings will be shown and the user can update it to be unique for the individual broadcast that is being sent.
Marketing Tools - Account Logs: We are adding audit logs for Marketing Tools broadcasts. The following events will now be available under Account Settings > Account Logs: Broadcast updated, Broadcast audience updated, Email message updated, and Broadcast sent.
iDEAL upgraded to version 2.0: iDEAL is an alternative payment method that Netherlands based shoppers can use to make online payments. We updated its API to allow shoppers to use a QR code to process a payment instead of choosing their bank.
Replaced “Chariot ID” with “Tracking ID”: Updated the Chariot Donor Advised Fund (DAF) implementation to use the “Tracking ID” instead of the deprecated “Chariot ID”.
Fundraising - page builder
Payment type added to custom auto responder filters: An additional filter has been added to help with creating customized autoresponder content. It is now possible to create a conditional autoresponder based on the payment type used on the fundraising page.
Fundraising - Hub
Improved the handling of old recurring donations in Payflow by referencing the previous transaction when initiating a Hub card update.
Marketing Tools
Update message name when duplicating a marketing tools broadcast: Improvements have been made to provide a better naming framework for broadcasts created by duplicating others. Going forward the message name will automatically pre-fill with the broadcast name.
Free and flexible email template - fix 2-column sample block: We have updated the sample block 'Two column text with buttons' to improve the performance in Outlook.
Due to a recent supply chain attack on Polyfill.io, we have enabled Cloudflare’s automatic JavaScript URL rewriting to replace polyfill.io links with a secure mirror hosted on cdnjs.cloudflare.com.
Bug Fixes
Data & Reporting
There was an issue running data imports when updating a saved mapping format. This has been resolved.
There was an issue opening marketing tools broadcast reports under visual reports. This has been fixed.
Marketing Tools
There was an issue with displaying query detail when the payment type filter (one time/ recurring) was used when building a query for Marketing Tools. This has been fixed.
Identified an issue where, in specific scenarios, the template ownership gets changed if edited. This has been fixed.
Page quick reports were previously missing email conversion numbers for messages sent from the Marketing Tools. This has been resolved.
Additional zeros were previously added to the donation amount when processing RWF currency in Stripe. This has been fixed.
When using the Direct Gift field with the Stripe gateway, we identified an issue where the field's value gets duplicated. This has been fixed.
The Donor Advised Fund (DAF) payment type was showing incorrectly in live transactions. This has been fixed.
Page processing calls for donation pages using an API User with the “Page Processing should respect Remote Address” setting enabled were sporadically failing with an ‘unauthorized’ error even if the IPs were whitelisted. This has been fixed.
May 2024 - 5.7.1
This hotfix deployed May 31, 2024 at 3pm ET.
Event reminder email functionality has been changed so that the most recently updated content of the reminder is sent to supporters. Previously supporters would receive the reminder content that was configured at the time they submitted the page.
The functionality has also been updated so refunding supporter’s event tickets and setting the page status to Closed will prevent the reminder emails from sending.
May 2024 - 5.7.0
This release deployed May 17, 2024 at 5pm ET.
Notable Updates
Email Classic access
The top level navigation access for Email Classic has now been removed. Please note email classic can still be accessed via the Marketing Tools drop-down.

VGS Tokenization
Test credit cards can now be used in ENS API when the chosen gateway is in test mode, and with the standard non-payment endpoints:
The payment type field is now disabled under supporter lookup, as it will be auto-populated based on the credit card entered by user.
For more details, please visit this page about VGS tokenization.
Marketing Tools – free and flexible email templates
We continue to improve our sample template and sample blocks to address client needs and facilitate migration to the Marketing Tools.
Body text block – fixed padding issue seen on some iPhones.
Two column layouts – fixed issue affecting some versions of Outlook on Mac (eg Outlook Office 365 macOS 12).
Image size now maintained when larger images are uploaded.
Buttons no longer use VML, which was causing duplication issues when emails were forwarded from Outlook.
Full width banner logos can now be added.
Improvement: Image block with optional caption.
New sample blocks
New sample block for signature photo and text.
New sample block for displaying a progress bar. Note: the progress is not displayed dynamically.
Gateways – Stripe
Added a new Stripe webhook event to better handle ACH disputes and keep the transaction status up-to-date.
Additional metadata will be passed to the Stripe gateway to reflect values submitted into tagged transactional data fields : tax deductible, other 1-4 and appeal code.
Annual Receipt emails will now be signed with whatever the “From” address of the email is for DKIM.
Marketing Tools
We have added an additional confirmation overlay when sending a new broadcast or changing a schedule of an existing one.

Marketing Tools
There was an issue with the correct display of replacement sections when using ‘select’ type replacements in Marketing tools templates. This has been fixed.
Marketing tools reporting has been updated to show correct subject lines for conditional and split test messages.
There was an issue creating custom URL parameters in Marketing Tools under certain conditions. This has been fixed.
It wasn’t possible to add an email sender before authenticating a domain. This has been fixed.
Email Classic
Source button is now available again for legacy template based emails.
There was an issue with FCR transactions not showing correctly in ENS export. This has been fixed.
April 2024 - 5.6.0
This release deployed on April 5, 2024 at 3pm ET.
Notable Updates
Chariot Payment Gateway
Updated to the latest API to support automatic grant status updates. After this release, there is no need to manually update the grant status from the Engaging Networks lookup supporter page. Note that this will update the existing transaction.
VGS Tokenization
Enhanced compatibility for older browsers.
Better support for browser autofill: this includes support for FireFox and Safari browsers.
VGS has been deployed to the P2P (v2) product.
Add the ability to rename the VGS iframe title.
For more details, please visit this page about VGS tokenization.
Stripe PDD
Updated advance notice messages can now be sent to a donor if their PDD mandate is updated via Supporter Lookup or Supporter Hub. Using a new setting in the gateway set up, you can now choose an alternative message to be fired off when an update is made to the PDD mandate. Read more about Advance Notice Messages here.

A new downloadable report is now available to provide a tally of messages sent to target contacts on a specific page. The report can be accessed when you click on the page name in ‘Manage Pages’ ’and will include the following data: Contact First Name, Contact Last name, Constituency, Messages Count.
Page Builder
We have added an additional validation to prevent unauthenticated autoresponder senders from being selected on the page. You can read more about domain authentication here.
We have implemented an additional warning message when removing a field used in a form block dependency.
Marketing Tools
We have made improvements to click through reporting for values lower than 1%. We will now display CTR values between 0-1% in the email broadcast report in Marketing Tools.
Previously, blueprint templates required modification to be utilized effectively on default web pages such as One-click Unsubscribe, Closed, and One-click Donation. We’ve integrated support for blueprint templates directly into web pages, streamlining the template management process.
Symbolic giving
Locale support has been added to product display inside featured list.
P2P (v2)
Receipt Inclusion as a Global Setting: Organizations can now control whether offline donors will receive an email acknowledgment and receipt. The new global setting can be toggled from Options > Fundraising.
Addition of Text size tool for fundraisers: Added a font size tool for fundraisers editing their page story.
Disable ability to remove Credit Card and CVV from P2P Forms: The remove button is no longer available.
Check for VGS Tokenized fields added to go live checklist: When first taking a site from testing to live mode, the checklist will now prompt you to tokenize the credit card and cvv fields.
Page builder: No warning was shown when removing a field used in a form block dependency. This has been fixed.
Marketing Tools
There was an issue with reporting on Marketing Tools broadcasts when long names were used in inner conditional content profiles. This has been resolved.
SMS handling webhooks have been updated to write opt out responses for phone formats without + in front (i.e. 16199999999).
New dynamic subject line did not populate data in test emails. This has been fixed.
Email Classic
There was an issue when scheduling messages in Email Classic where the timezone was defaulting to ‘North America – Pacific Time’. This has been fixed.
P2P (v2)
Exporting a report was ignoring the second column. This has been fixed.
Adding an “other” field with the type checkbox to a p2p site would not save the value and clicking it would cause the donation to fail. This has been fixed.
Ability to use a test gateway: Since the VGS release, P2P users could no longer process test transactions when pointing to a test gateway. This has been fixed.
WYSIWYG adding extra <p></p> tags: When editing an email, the editor was adding extra paragraph tags where blank spaces occurred.
Single Step Donation Form error: Since the VGS release, Single step donation pages were throwing errors. This has been fixed.
Use of site name merge tag in password update email: Use of [[site.site_name]] merge tag in the subject of the password updated email was not working. This has been fixed.
Send email from registration confirmation page was not responding: From the registration confirmation screen, the send email window was opening too small for any action to take place. This has been fixed.
There was an issue with accepting some pre-paid cards on Vantiv/WP. This has been fixed.
There was an issue when processing some Mastercard <orderSource> and <processingType> combinations on Vantiv/WP. This has been fixed.
February 2024 - 5.5.0
This release deployed on February 26, 2024 at 3pm ET.
Notable Updates
Enhanced Checkout – Secured by VGS: With this release we are implementing the final update to limit the field type used for Credit Card Number and CVV fields to “token” only.
We have sent separate communication regarding the deadline to update the Credit Card Number and CVV fields on your donation pages to the new “token” field type. Please reach out to your Account Success Manager if you have any questions.
If you use the ENS API to process transactions that include card details (credit card number / CVV), you will be required to use these new API endpoints after this release:
These are for credit card data only. All other data should continue to use our other API endpoints.
If you haven’t done so already, please take the time to read through the page on our Supportal about these updates.
Marketing Tools
We continue to enhance our Marketing Tools with each release, improving the experience for our clients.
Rescheduling broadcast emails: This new feature enables users to view and update the send time of scheduled emails. Additionally, users can now cancel or send the scheduled broadcast directly from the broadcasts list.

Subject line customisation: New dynamic fields are now available when editing email subject lines, providing enhanced flexibility for crafting personalized content.

Moneris 3DS 2.2: We have updated to the latest version of Moneris API to comply with Moneris requirements.
Donor Advised Fund (DAF) processing (US only): The look and feel of DAF pay buttons have been updated to the latest version.
Allowed Domains: It is now required to update the “Allowed Domains” section under “Account Preferences” with your custom domains.
Events: An issue had been discovered when using radio buttons to edit attendee information on event pages. This has been fixed.
Query Builder
Marketing Tools: Marketing Tools broadcasts were not available under the multi-select feature in the query builder. This has been addressed.
Send time optimization: Emails were sent earlier than scheduled for some supporters without timezone configured in Engaging Networks when send time optimization was enabled for email sending. This has been resolved.
VGS: Added support which will allow older browsers to use token fields.
January 2024 - 5.4.0
This release deployed on January 12, 2024 at 3pm ET.
Notable Updates
Enhanced Checkout – Secured by VGS: we are deploying new security enhancements as part of our commitment to protect donor information and maintain the highest standards of data security. Clients can now start updating pages that process credit card transactions to take advantage of these updates using a new tokenization method. Starting with this release, Engaging Networks will auto-select the card type (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) and will show the credit card logo out-of-the-box, so that no further customization will be needed. In addition, the CVV field will automatically be limited to either 3-digits or 4-digits, depending on the card type. For more information, please refer to our Supportal page.
Page Builder
Shared Domain Deprecation: with this release, clients can no longer use the following shared domains in their pages: *.netdonor.net, *.e-activist.com, and *.engagingnetworks.app. Moving forward, clients need to start using their own custom subdomains. For more information, visit the Supportal page.
Stripe PDD (UK only): additional API calls have been implemented to retrieve updates to Paperless Direct Debit Mandate. Also, an additional transaction will be written alongside the respective donor record, when PDD payment is canceled via their bank.
Marketing Tools
Following Google and Yahoo’s recent announcement of plans to make changes to how they manage email security on their platforms, we have implemented a series of updates to email sent via Engaging Networks servers to comply with the new requirements and assure maximum deliverability of clients emails.
Marketing Automation: A new Engagement Marketing Automation has been added to allow clients to trigger email series based on a custom date field. This type of automation can be used to send a reminder a number of days before a custom date present on the supporter record. Please note: supporters will be able to reenter the automation.
Improvements have been made to the text editor toolbar to make it always visible at the top of the screen when editing longer text blocks.
Bug Fixes
Donor Advised Fund (DAF) processing (US only): An issue has been discovered where Captcha is being ignored when using DAF as a payment method, this has been fixed.
Stripe Digital Wallets: When processing payment using Apple Pay, the phone number wasn’t populated correctly from the digital wallet settings, this has been resolved.
Double the Donation: Under certain conditions, the company was not appearing on the thank you page on initial selection. This did not affect the storing of the company but a fix had been applied to load the widget in the correct order, fixing the display on the thank you page.
PayPal One Touch: An issue has been discovered where some PayPal One Touch transactions weren’t recorded, this has been fixed.
Membership Report: An issue has been discovered where the Campaign Status column shows blank values when exporting data, this has been fixed now.